How to publish more quality content on twitter ?

Do you want to public more quality content on twitter to get more followers ? Discover how to do it with a content curator and a scheduler. Publish quality content at the best time.

How to publish more quality content on twitter ?
Date published
Last modificationApr 22, 2018

To publish more quality content on twitter, facebook, linkedin, pinterest, and instagram a content curator is perfect for that job, especially if it is combined with a scheduler.

A content curator will automatically select the best articles for your niche based on targeted keywords. You can then publish the ones you love and find the most accurate for your target audience.

The scheduler will share the articles you love at the best time to reach as many people as possible.

At New Boss' Apps we use Crowdfireapp to do that. We can set the number of articles we would like to publish per day and then share the best articles tailored for our audience. The articles will be shared at the best time respecting our limit per day to respect our followers. We don't want to spam them.

Crowdfireapp allows us to add our own blog, our Youtube channel (the day we have one), and other sites and blogs as source of content. In one place we have all the quality content we want to share and we can simply click and share. Or edit the tweet to add our favorite tags.

An app for Android and iPhone is available to share the content on the go or just before going to bed of leaving it.

How to do it with Crowdfire ?

Share good quality content on twitter with crowfire

  1. Go to Crowdfire
  2. Login with your twitter account and allow it to access it (They don't publish anything without your consent and they don't push you).
  3. On the home screen go to "Articles"
  4. Select the topics you want to focus on
  5. Wait until Crowdfire shows you some articles to share
  6. Click on the picture to read them before sharing
  7. Click on share to see and edit the tweet
  8. Share when you are ready to do so (Now, at best time, or at custom time, it's up to you)

That would be lovely if you would consider sharing on the social media or adding a link on your website.