Time4VPS - host great open source apps

Time4VPS is a growing company that offers affordable VPS for your website or any web open source projects such as nextcloud or wordpress.

Illustration of Time4VPS

Review of Time4VPS

Date published
Last modificationApr 28, 2018

Affordable way to test an open source project or to host a website. There are so many great open source projects that can be tested, the possibilities are unlimited.

They have a modern datacenter, a good internet connection, and fine performance. They are rather transparent with what they offer, their website answers most of the questions you would ask before buying a VPS. This is not the case with every company.

We use their services for some of our projects, the service is reliable and efficient we didn't encounter any issue so far.

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Online reputationRather good
Weight :4Rating :80
Political stability in home countryPercentile according to WGI for Lithuania
Weight :3Rating :80
TransparencyInfo about the company is available on their website
Weight :4Rating :80
Activity on social mediaRegularly updated, they are nice and active
Weight :3Rating :90
Life expectancyIt exists for a while but many competitors. It's hard to see how the market will be in a few years.
Weight :5Rating :70
Total :77

App/service context

Online reputationSame as the company
Weight :4Rating :70
Activity on social mediaSame as the company
Weight :3Rating :80
Life expectancySame as the company
Weight :5Rating :70
Development activityFrequent new services and offers
Weight :5Rating :90

No info about environment policies. Their datacenters don't seem to be eco-friendly.

Weight :5Rating :70
Business modelPaid service.
Weight :3Rating :90
Total :78


User friendlinessEasy to use and understand
Weight :4Rating :90
DesignLooks good, clear interface
Weight :4Rating :90
StabilityThe service is stable
Weight :4Rating :90
ReactivityWithin Europe (at least) it is reactive.
Weight :4Rating :90
SecurityThe infrastructure is good.
No info about privacy, certification, or policies for datacenter access.
Weight :5Rating :70
AvailibilityThey respect what they offer, the downtime is recorded
Weight :4Rating :90
Functionalities meet expectationThey offer what they promise, some features are missing such as recurring payment.
Weight :4Rating :90
Total :87


PlatformsNo mobile apps but the website is mobile friendly
Weight :3Rating :70
DocumentationA community forum and some guides are available
Weight :4Rating :70
SupportA help desk is available
Weight :4Rating :80
InternationalizationOnly English, which is still OK
Weight :3Rating :70
Data integrationThe most common tools for a VPS are available
Weight :5Rating :80
Accessibility for disabledNot much done for accessibility
Weight :4Rating :45
Total :68

Licence and price

Respect of privacyThe privacy policy clear and clean
Weight :4Rating :80
Clarity of the termsEasy to read and understand
Weight :4Rating :90
LicenceNo other licence
Weight :0Rating :0
PriceLow price, the quality is good
Weight :4Rating :90
Total :87

Final rating


That would be lovely if you would consider sharing on the social media or adding a link on your website.